For Hospitals and Practitioners

If you are a health practitioner or a physician, whether you work in your own private practice, or in a hospital or a clinic, you will probably meet a lot of patients who present unexplained symptoms or who are affected by a known illness but of unknown origin. Sometimes, by brainstorming together, it is possible to connect the dots, find patterns, causal correlations, and identify possible root-causes of symptoms or diseases and/or potential treatments for incurable diseases. Other times it is possible to optimize an existing treatment or to achieve the same results with a lower and safer dose of standard medications, by strategically or originally combining some nutraceutical compounds that showed promising results in research.
RAYS has a history of winning intuitions and findings with several cases that were considered hopeless and is confident that, by working together and combining our skills and talents synergistically, we can better our chances to find the causes of people’s problems, effective solutions, and to improve their quality of life.
Have a look at the Projects section of RAYS’ website; you will find both examples of previous cases and a list of projects that are available for further development and partnerships. In the About page you will find a flowchart of RAYS’ typical approach.
If you have any question, are interested to know more about a project, would like to present a case of yours, or are simply curious, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to chat.

RAYS’ Services:

For Individuals and groups of People

• For Hospitals, Health Practitioners, and related Institutions

For Researchers, Universities, and similar Institutions

For Manufacturers of dietary supplements and nutraceuticals

For Space Agencies

For Manufacturers of food and beverages (including supplements)